


詹姆斯·邦德电影只在影院上映 无暇赴死 在经历了18个月的不确定之后. Part of the uncertainty was whether theaters would open back up, as the 007 producer team had to keep pushing back the release date until a time—maybe now is as good a time as any?—when enough theaters were open to give the film a fighting chance of achieving Bond-worthy ticket sales.

同样不确定的是 无暇赴死 would truly be released only in theaters for a standard theatrical run before it made its way to a premium on-demand platform. When the Bond franchise was under the MGM Studios tentpole, 直到邦德电影的上映被推迟了三次, 这看起来是板上钉钉的事.

但在付费内容领域,情况发生了很大变化, 其中最重要的是亚马逊收购米高梅, which happens to own one of the major online streaming platforms for premium content. If ever there was a day-and-date release tie-up that made financial sense, it was this one. 然而,在本文发表时, 无暇赴死 will still be in its theatrical run, even as it's come to VOD services.

The past 18 months have seen no shortage of mergers and acquisitions. But it has me wondering if all this consolidation will lead toward innovation. 我的直觉告诉我不会,很多业内权威人士也同意这种说法. 然而,, one thing we saw in the streaming space about 12 years ago was the coalescence around the videoconferencing codec H.264 and what that consolidation to a single-codec era meant for the industry’s overall growth.

我们可能会看到创新的一个领域 through consolidation is a standardized way of authenticating users of premium video-on-demand (VOD) services, 哪些是迫切需要的, even after the single sign-on (SSO) TV Everywhere craze about 6 years ago. 有许多可用的SSO选项, 比如苹果公司, 亚马逊, 脸谱网, 谷歌, 和三星, but none of them have been consistently adopted by a large group of VOD/OTT providers.

Another area where we may see innovation is in the ability for subscribers to view content they subscribed to in their home country while they’re traveling abroad. 毕竟, 如果亚马逊拥有米高梅, that should solve most of the geoblocking issues that have hampered progress.

像我说的, 许多行业观察家不同意我的观点, 至少表面上是这样, 原因有很多. An 本文来自Vox/Recode,作者:Rani Molla和Peter Kafka 总结 it up nicely: “The media landscape used to be straightforward: Content companies (studios) made stuff (TV shows and movies) and sold it to pay TV distributors, 谁把它卖给消费者. Now things are up for grabs: Netflix buys stuff from the studios, 但它在制造自己的东西, 太, 它直接卖给消费者. 这是老媒体公司的原因之一 试图通过整合来竞争.”

An 篇文章中 《百家乐软件》杂志 captures the whole frustration just in its headline and deck: "The Next Era of the Streaming Wars Looks an Awful Lot Like TV. This week, WarnerMedia and Discovery announced they are merging. 很快,流媒体就会被三巨头垄断. 听起来很熟悉?" 

最后,在 《百家乐软件》上的一篇文章,《百家乐软件》. 它们不会很漂亮," writer Brandon Katz says that "the entertainment industry is far from finished with its consolidated gentrification. 像这样, it's only fair to wonder if the streaming wars will be decided for us as the media industry continues to narrow. 如果是这样的话, which services will be among the winners and how will a concentrated core of powerful streamers impact legacy entertainment?"

Stay tuned as we enter 2022 to find out which lucky contestant on "Entertainment M&A" wins the prize of being swallowed whole by a media conglomerate!

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


What do Lewis Carroll, OTT subscriptions, and submarine power cables have in common? 继续读下去!


Pay TV Operators have faced considerable threat from OTT services, but they have proven their resilience by adapting to a changing market. First by launching their own OTT services, then by fulfilling the role of aggregator. 作为值得信赖的供应商,它们仍然处于独特的地位, something that will be increasingly important as homes get smarter. The potential to extend that role to the entire smart home is huge and could be the savior of pay TV.

IPTV 2.0:迈向全流

IPTV operators face growing competition from streaming, cable, and satellite offerings. IPTV 2.0, operators can deliver video via a unicast streaming infrastructure, 它提供了显著的好处.  


Penthera's Jeanne Sachs discusses recent survey data about the factors most important to OTT users when deciding which SVOD services to use, in this clip from her presentation at 流媒体 West Connect 2021.


Struum's Paul Pastor discusses the rise of app-hopping in OTT consumer behavior--even as concentration in the market around the major services increases--and the role Struum aims to play in OTT discovery and recommendation for longtail content in this clip from a panel at 流媒体 West 2021.

How to Choose the Right Format for OTT Video Library Management

证据适用于大多数情况, 剩下的交给IMF, 但是不管你用什么格式, 元数据是高效视频库管理的关键.


Evoca's Dana McLeod and USA Today/Gannett's Caroline Harris discuss the advantages of hyper-localizing OTT content for both major providers (who seem to be moving in the opposite direction) and end users (who are clamoring for it) in this clip from their panel at 流媒体 West Connect 2021.