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Google's Take on What CTV Viewers Want

随着新的用户体验的发展,CTV观看体验也在不断发展. 仍然, many experts and users agree that the experience is essentially broken, with too much choice and too little personalization as users’ #1 complaint, far from where it needs to be. 根据 谷歌电视 Senior Director of Engineering Shobana Radhakrishnan in her Streaming Media Connect 主题, 关键的挑战是理解观众想要什么,并让它驱动其他决定.

Simplifying Paid and 免费的 Content Discovery

Radhakrishnan指出,简化付费和免费内容的发现是为用户提供更好电视体验的关键. 她说:“电视体验已经走过了很长一段路,但它仍然有点破碎。. “(用户)不确定该看什么,在哪里看,什么是免费的,什么是必须购买的. 免费的 apps, cable providers, live TV, on-demand TV. There are just way too many choices. I've actually heard people say where things were better with cable. It felt a lot simpler. 我们希望改善这种体验,让人们花更少的时间搜索,花更多的时间放松观看好节目, they can easily see where the free content lives.”

Google’s Unified Approach to Integrating Capabilities and Content

“我们提出了一种电视体验和免费内容体验,将谷歌搜索的功能和内容结合在一起, Google Assistant, YouTube上电视,” Radhakrishnan says. “We also have several third-party integrations included in our offerings. To think about the ecosystem, 直观地, it's useful to think of the streaming business as a flywheel. The first step is the core. 这是为了让用户喜欢他们所看到的东西. They keep coming back to the platform. 所以,我们需要创造用户满意度水平,从而提高用户粘性. 结合大规模意味着我们为全球设备提供高质量的设备和平台. So we need to operate at the low-end, 中低端, high-end markets to be able to serve content and, 因此, 广告.”


“当你将这一点与基于地区偏好的用户个性化功能结合起来时, 然后我们就有了用户信任的基础,我们就可以开始以广告的形式进行盈利, especially instream 广告, like the FAST model, because instream 广告 are technically like an interruption for the user,” Radhakrishnan says. 所以你必须先从平台的角度建立这种可信度,然后才能让用户觉得这是一种有意义的平衡. 再一次。, because people find value in free content on the platforms, 在我们的用户服务中,我们一次又一次地看到,获得免费内容是满意度的重要组成部分. So when this flywheel is moving well, 企业可以开始为自己创造机会,进一步扩大规模进行再投资, further innovation for users, then further eyeballs for monetizing using display 广告. And then the flywheel keeps moving.”

完整的会议 from Streaming Media Connect November 2023. We'll be back in person for Streaming Media NYC on May 20-22, 2024. 更多的 details here.

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