格式/编解码器/协议 > Featured Articles

在追求以更高的质量和更低的延迟提供视频, the streaming media industry is home to an ever-changing array of video formats, 编解码器, 以及交付协议. 点击这里查看HEVC的最新消息和趋势, AV1, VVC, CMAF, WebRTC, MPEG标准, 版税, 即时包装, 和更多的.

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本文探讨了流编码中人工智能的现状, 交付, 回放, 货币化生态系统. By understanding the developments and considering key questions when evaluating AI-powered solutions, streaming professionals can make informed decisions about incorporating AI into their video processing pipelines and prepare for the future of AI-driven video technologies.


在不断变化的视频编解码器许可世界中导航可能很复杂. 本文分析了过去18个月中与ip相关的主要事件, 包括新的欧洲SEP许可规则, Avanci的新视频专利池, 以及Sisvel-RPX交易. 探索谁在做交易, 涉及到哪些技术, 以及对免版税模式的影响


2024年的教育视频是风暴前的平静还是风暴后的平静? 大流行近在眼前, we approach a crossroads where it will be determined whether enterprise-scale video hosting and management services will remain profitable at the prices that schools are willing to carry in the new normal. 今年我们不太可能越过一个不归路, but I recommend keep­ing an eye out for signs that will either allay or am­plify concerns about the long-term future of schools having a degree of ownership and control of the vid­eo services they rely on.


就像我们喜欢用FFmpeg进行转码操作一样, 在为ABR交付包装内容时可能会令人沮丧. 由packag-ing, 我的意思是格式化和分割你的媒体文件, 为HLS和DASH创建清单文件, for - matting for CMAF, 并管理多个音频和字幕流. Fortunately, there are easier-to-use solutions that are equally open source and equal­ly free. 在本文中,我将重点介绍GPAC,它是一种很好的包装替代方案.


It's been 3-plus years since the MPEG codec explosion that brought us VVC, LCEVC, and EVC. Rather than breathlessly trumpet every single-digit quality improvement or design win, 我很快就会让你了解质量的最新情况, 可玩性, and usage of the most commonly utilized video 编解码器 and then explore new codec-related advancements in business and technology.

Streamticker:最大的流媒体合并 & 2023年的收购

当谈到流媒体行业的并购和M&E marketplace in 2023 and an accounting of the year's most consequential deals, it makes the most sense to open at the close: Disney's early-November announcement that it would fully subsume Hulu into its empire with a buyout that completed an acquisition initiated in pre-pandemic 2019.


在本文中, 我研究了流式cdn提供的低延迟服务, 删除实际的供应商名称并根据交付方法得出结论. I'll start with a discussion of the basics of latency before moving on to the testing results and analysis.

回顾:NETINT Quadra T1U视频处理单元

This review will highlight the NETINT Quadra T1U and explore its capabilities as a video processing unit (VPU) for high-volume encoding and transcoding of single files, 编码梯子, 还有直播.

回顾:ViCueSoft CodecWar

CodecWar是由ViCueSoft创建的分析服务, 编解码器分析工具VQ Analyzer的开发, VQ DVK, VQ探针. 当前配置, the site's ideal users are researchers who are looking for a convenient way to compare 编解码器 using relevant datasets and codec developers who are looking for a structured way to benchmark their 编解码器 against others. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, it's not a particularly convenient way for streaming producers to run experiments to optimise their encoding parameters, 虽然它可以发展成这样.


如果你是一家视频出版商,在VVC专利列表中排名并不高, 在2026年或更晚之前,你可能不会考虑VVC. 如果你想增加H.在此之前,264使用更有效的编解码器进行编码, 你最可能的选择是HEVC和AV1, LCEVC也是一种选择. 然而, 如果你是流媒体生态系统中的产品或服务提供商, it's long past the time to start considering where and when VVC is going to fit in for you and your target customers.

Big Tech's Dirty Underbelly: Sharethrough's Frank Maguire Discusses Innovative New Approaches to Greener Streaming

Big Tech giants like Meta, Amazon, and Google have committed to achieving carbon neutrality by 2030. But how feasible is this goal, and where is the money spent towards it really going? Frank Maguire of Sharethrough discusses how Big Tech's digital ad deliveries contribute heavily to CO2 emissions and what these companies can do to lessen that impact and achieve their green commitments.


任何时候你开始使用新的编解码器, there are some fundamental tests that you should run to achieve optimal performance/quality optimization. 在本文中, I'll take you through those tests while encoding VVC using a version of FFmpeg that includes the Fraunhofer VVC codec.


欢迎来到2023年的编解码器更新. 我是来帮你决定是否该把所有的钱都投入到AV1上, VVC, LCEVC, 还是EVC,还是继续用H更好.264、VP9和HEVC. 一路走来, I'll include 2022-2023 updates to identify significant changes that have occurred since last year.

'Performance Everywhere' Optimization of Your Streaming Solution for Ultimate QoE

亚历山大Skamarokha, Oxagile的性能优化团队负责人, discusses ways to optimize your streaming solutions and get an ultimate QoE for your users.


九月底, Google quietly let slip the news that it now offers 回放 support for HEVC in Chrome when it's already available in the underlying platform. This is bigger news than Google is letting on, but its immediate impact remains to be seen. We surveyed a number of experts and analysts to gauge its meaning for increased HEVC usage 和更多的, 以及它对DRM和HDR的影响.


Streaming Learning Center's Jan Ozer interviews Netflix Senior 研究 Scientist - Video Algorithms and Alliance for Open Media co-chair Andrey Norkin about several topics around the future of AV1, 包括HDR对优质内容生产商的必要性, 力宝专注于SVT-AV1, 和更多的.


随着最近版本1的发布.0, SVT-AV1在质量上似乎已经赶上了libaom, 具有非常明确的性能优势. 它的双通过率控制经过了测试和验证. If you're creating an AV1 encoding workflow today that emphasises encoding speed and quality, SVT-AV1绝对应该在你的候选名单上.


Live-event video production during COVID has rapidly accelerated the use of NDI output from popular conferencing tools such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, particularly for one-to-many broadcasts in which remote contributors are the norm. This article will explain how to enable NDI in Zoom and Microsoft Teams for higher-quality input sources into your live-streaming workflow.

测试EVC, VVC,和LCEVC:如何做最新的MPEG编解码器堆栈?

Jan Ozer说EVC, VVC, 和LCEVC的步伐, 检查每一个不仅是编码质量, 编码的复杂性, 而且播放效率高,还要耗电. Each one has its pros and cons; read on to find out how they all performed.


与H.264的使用率终于开始下降,一些新的编解码器崛起, this 2022 codec update reports on the most significant announcements from the last year relating to H.264、VP9、HEVC、AV1、VVC、LCEVC、EVC.