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NAB 2024: Top New Tech for a Disruption-Ready Streaming Industry

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I had an interesting conversation the last day at NAB 2024 which really resonated as to the problems the media industry is experiencing. Our industry is largely divided into tech companies and media companies. The tech companies try things and then they fail, try other things and fail, and then they try things and they succeed. Media companies are a bit more risk averse. 如果他们想要竞争,他们需要找到一种实验、测试和失败的方法. 

In this article I’ll spotlight a number of new products I saw in the exhibit halls 在低投入的情况下,哪一种方法可以很好地启动测试-学习循环, high-benefit type of approach. Many of these products are using Gen AI, but even if they are not, these are each looking at a part of the industry which is ready for disruption.


I’ve looked at this company a few times since they spun off from Vimond. CuttingRoom Reporter is an Apple App that allows phone-based UHD and HD video recording. 记者需要用iphone拍摄高质量的内容,这款应用有几个功能,可以让他们做到这一点,而不用像其他应用那样头疼.


CuttingRoom Reporter

First off there is image stabilization, 所以你的镜头看起来不像你需要学习三脚架的工作原理(特别是如果你碰巧没有三脚架的话)。. Magic Zoom提供了一个自动的过渡,它给你的镜头提供了更多的深度,并使特写镜头没有你可能手动进行的变焦. Best off is the auto upload function, where when you’re done shooting something, 内容自动上传到您正在使用的任何存储产品. 还有一个内部提词器,可以覆盖视频,使面试过程更少出错.

Frammer AI

Frammer AI 是一个将长片段转换成短片段的人工智能自动视频编辑工具吗. 预览功能允许人类视觉审批,以及全文编辑. Don’t like one piece of narration? You can cut and paste from the full text editor to revise the content. 该应用程序将重新构建,以适应自有和运营环境和每个社交平台的独特规格.

frammer ai

Frammer AI 

Prime Focus Technologies

与软件对话的能力离标准操作程序又近了一步. Prime Focus Technologies has a whole suite of Gen AI-powered content creation, management, 以及一些知名媒体公司(包括迪士尼Hotstar)使用的分销工具, Hearst, Amazon MGM Studios, ITV, Crunchyroll, and A+E.

Boss: I need this by tomorrow.

Me: Chat to search content, chat with the content library to dedupe and archive, chat to build highlights, chat to run social media and finally, chat to localize.

If only this platform could make me coffee.

prime focus de-dup

Prime Focus Technologies De-dup analyzer


Carrick-Skills’ Carrick Flow 是在本地和云服务之间执行工作流的管理工具吗, based on schedule and available capacity. 用户可以在基于浏览器的工具中管理多个产品和供应商之间的工作. 他们的优先级引擎确保工作流是负载平衡的,并且可以按照优先级的顺序运行. Flexible pricing plans are available.

Perfect Memory

Perfect Memory calls their service a knowledge operating system, which works on top of a customer’s asset management system. 用户可以使用自然语言搜索,通过类似于ChatGPT或Bard交互的描述来识别视频(和其他内容). The system works on facial or object recognition, 业务规则(员工访问级别和编辑权限)和情感理解.

Chord Communities

Chord Communities 为新闻机构提供了一个平台,可以为网站或应用程序建立自己的社区团体. 该公司想到的用例是让新闻机构拥有一个外部社区或特殊兴趣小组可以聚集的地方, mingle, and interact. In addition to being able to post images and text, there is the ability to have calls powered by a WebRTC low-latency connection.

 Chord Communities

Chord Communities 

Super Hi-Fi

At one of the West Hall’s stages, Super Hi-Fi’s Brendon Cassidy presented their cloud-to-transmitter workflow for broadcast, online, or in-car programming. They had a full audience to hear about their tech for building automated, personalized radio programming, 使用带有AI引擎的HLS+流完成冗余流,以编程独特的内容和广告时间.

During NAB, they set up a temporary studio broadcasting to KMXB-94.1的HD2信号在拉斯维加斯从他们的酒店使用他们的节目总监无线电操作系统运行Orban OPTIMOD 5950发射机播放设备和他们自己的streamplayer1播放设备.

super hi-fi stream player 1 

Super Hi-Fi Stream Player 1


NAB is a show which often showcases alliances, partners, and workflows. There are specific company pavilions (UK, France, etc.) and company groups. AWS had a very professionally put together booth showing off the many workflows which can run on AWS, including broadcast and live production, content production, data science and analytics, DTC and streaming, media supply chain and archives, and—last but not least—monetization.

aws monetization nab 2024 

AWS monetization solution at NAB 2024

While many of the companies in these demos had their own booths elsewhere, 这是一个了解不同供应商如何协同工作的好机会. Each participating vendor had to train an AWS employee to do their pitch, and all of the ones I heard were very good. See this link for a quick look at AWS’ featured demos from NAB 2024.

Amira Labs

Amira Labs is pitching live captions and translation for live broadcasts. 他们的软件解决方案为直播、电视和播客进行多语言人工智能处理. They promise sub 1-second latency, with on-prem and cloud deployments. They run on all the major cloud providers.

amira labs captioning

AmiraLabs’ cloud-based live captioning and translation

AI-Generated Problem-Solving

These products all solve very specific problems, whether it’s how to shoot great iPhone footage, how to automatically create short clips, provide live translation and captioning, create customized radio programming, or build social communities.

Gen AI sounds like a lot of hype when it comes to an overarching idea, 但如果有供应商知道如何使用它来解决具有挑战性的问题,并将其作为SaaS工具提供给您进行测试,这是非常有用的. 这将是帮助媒体公司更像科技公司那样不断迭代,直到找到制胜公式的关键. However, use cases may have to fail a few times before it finally works. The key takeaway is not to be afraid to try.

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