
流媒体连接预览:在对冲-货币化CTV和快速频道与三星, Roku, TVREV, and IAB Tech Lab

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On Wednesday, August 21, adtech expert Tim Ware 将主持“越过篱笆:随着围墙花园的激增,CTV和FAST频道的货币化?.“智能电视OEM的出现为平台分销商创造了越来越多的机会,也为内容提供商带来了挑战,因为分销商在库存和收入分成中所占的比例越来越大,从而通过销售硬件产生更大的收入. 在拥有大量库存分割和注册用户的下一代智能电视oem厂商中,程序员如何应对需要广告支持的高编程成本? 通用标识符的难题如何与日益重要的上下文对齐相抗衡? 谁能最好地管理公平的商业行为,让买方有平等的机会进入各种供应渠道, and how can all parties mutually prosper?

Confirmed panelists include Justin Fromm, Head of Insights, North America, Samsung Ads, Marion Ranchet, Founder & Managing Director, The Local Act Consultancy and Streaming Made Easy, Anthony Katsur, CEO, IAB Tech Lab, and Alan Wolk, Co-Founder/Lead Analyst, TVREV.

Justin Fromm是一位经验丰富的媒体高管,也是互联电视和SVOD领域的领先专家, currently serving as Head of Insights, North America at Samsung Ads. Justin has extensive experience as a data leader, 对电视和数字媒体作为广告平台的价值和有效性进行战略研究, the marketing of televisual programming, 以及新技术对消费者行为和媒体行业的影响.

"CTV, as a digital medium, 提供了丰富的收视率数据,这是以前电视广告商无法获得的,” Fromm says. “使用设备级数据,了解观众如何穿越流媒体的围墙花园, 电视制造商支持跨平台策略,无缝集成线性和流媒体."

Marion Ranchet currently runs The Local Act Consultancy, 为流媒体视频服务在西欧的推出和发展提供了动力. With 18 years of experience in the industry, and as a film and TV lover, she advises streamers, 分销平台和技术供应商如何通过她对不同市场的深入了解在欧洲推出和发展, and with a strong content expertise and distribution? network in place. 你会经常看到Marion分享一些非常有用的信息 LinkedIn, her newsletter “Streaming Made Easy,” and during industry events like IBC or MIPCOM.

“免费流媒体的竞争不仅是健康的,而且是必要的,”兰切特说. “Why? Because Ad-supported Streaming is all about scale. 更多平台=更多眼球=更多广告机会=更多广告收益. The perfect flywheel. However, we’re now at a crossroad. 围墙花园的做法损害了生态系统的可持续性. 为增强利益攸关方的权能,需要一定程度的透明度和标准化, especially content publishers, 全面将他们的库存货币化,并进一步发展他们的业务.”

查理·古德曼(Charlie Goodman)是Roku Ad Exchange的产品管理主管,负责Roku的供应侧平台. He drives the ad serving and integration strategy for The Roku Channel优化与dsp和ssp的连接,以增强广告解决方案. Previously at Target, Charlie was instrumental in founding and expanding Roundel’s 产品能力并领导其基础AD技术的发展, including data management, campaign planning, and ad experiences. Committed to advancing CTV advertising, Charlie focuses on delivering innovative, advertiser-centric solutions.

Anthony Katsur是一名数字媒体资深人士,在技术创新领域拥有超过25年的行政领导经验, product leadership, business strategy, and growth. As Chief Executive Officer for IAB Tech Lab, Katsur is responsible for overseeing product, engineering, membership, 和运营团队为数字广告行业的全球技术标准制定组织.

It's safe to say that Alan Wolk, a much sought-after writer, speaker and consultant, 已经确立了自己作为行业中最有影响力的思想领袖之一的地位. By focusing on the intersection of streaming and advertising, wolk创造了首字母缩略词FAST(免费广告支持的流媒体电视),他和他的TVREV同事帮助该公司成为媒体行业的首选百家乐软件之一,因为它试图处理流媒体转向带来的变化.

小组主持人蒂姆·韦尔是一位多媒体销售老手,他在过去十年里一直通过使用程序化广告技术来销售联网电视广告. 蒂姆在他的职业生涯中一直致力于开创性的媒体倡议,在广泛的新闻领域工作, sports and entertainment brands including Crackle / Redbox / Sony Pictures, The Wall Street Journal, WWE, Yardbarker, ESPN, NFL, NBA, NASCAR, NHL 和InterZine Productions,他是独立流媒体联盟的联合创始人.

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On Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at Streaming Media Connect, Alan Wolk, one of the industry's most influential thought leaders, moderated a panel that confronted the current challenges (or, some would say, 失败)可靠地向观众提供正确的广告,并为品牌提供可衡量的结果,并讨论了使流媒体广告发挥作用的创新技术和策略. 小组成员包括Estrella MediaCo的Christina Chung, Vevo的Julie Triolo, C.J. Mad Leo咨询公司的Leonard和Advertiser Perceptions的Erin Firneno.

Contextual Advertising for CTV and FAST Raises the Bar on CPMs

FAST广告面临的挑战是,如何在有关消费者的第一方数据有限的情况下提供适当的广告. 上下文广告可以为这些无法追踪的FAST观众提供目标定位,增加观众正在观看的具体场景细节, Anoki和Amagi之间的新合作伙伴关系旨在将内容与广告的匹配提升到一个新的水平.

Why CTV OEMs Like LG and Samsung Own Their OS

Building, owning, 对于电视制造商来说,运营一个联网电视操作系统是一个复杂的战略和商业决策,因为电视制造商的传统角色是制造和销售盒子. 一些CTV oem厂商还没有走操作系统路线,而LG和三星等其他厂商已经走了. LG的Matthew Durgin和三星广告的Justin Fromm与TVREV的Alan Wolk进行了坦诚的讨论,讨论了为什么一些ctv oem运行自己的操作系统,而另一些却没有.


On Wednesday, August 21, 媒体、娱乐技术和消费电子分析师保罗·埃里克森将主持“订阅管理和大重新捆绑”小组讨论.“随着市场分裂和整合的不断推波助澜, 完全或部分依赖于持续订阅收入的流媒体服务需要的不仅仅是丰富的内容,以应对用户流失并保持用户粘性. 随着消费者预算的紧缩,免费和广告支持的选择越来越多,并成为新的规范. More and more, that means bundling and streamlining offerings. This panel of industry experts from Hub Entertainment Research, Fubo, Antenna, Ampere, Plex将讨论使订阅更顺畅的艺术和科学, simpler, and churn-proof.


On Tuesday, August 20, 领先的新媒体和技术制作人和策略师克里斯·普法夫将主持“现在是个人的:人工智能和流媒体个性化”小组讨论.“人工智能改变流媒体生态系统的许多方式都发生在幕后, 包括简化工作流程或自动化重复生产或交付任务. But AI also has the potential to transform viewing experiences, making them more personal and immersive. This panel of industry experts from Google TV, Vionlabs, TCL, Deltatre将在未来的几个月甚至几年里探索人工智能和流媒体的可能性.

流媒体连接预览:帽子戏法-提供实时流媒体体验的规模, Perform, and Engage

On Tuesday, August 20, 领先的流媒体顾问Nadine Krefetz将主持“帽子戏法:提供大规模的直播体验”小组讨论, Perform, and Engage.“大规模的直播为各种活动的粉丝和品牌带来了巨大的回报, from sports to concerts and festivals. Effective streams deliver personalized, interactive experiences that traditional broadcasts can't match. A panel of industry experts from DAZN, AWS, B Live, 而Infinitive将在2024年深入研究大规模传输流的持续挑战.

Roku和XR Extreme Reach合作推动电视流媒体广告的表现

XR Extreme Reach (XR), the global technology company that powers the creative economy, has announced an expanded partnership with Roku. 这将允许广告商将Roku平台上的所有广告与表现结果联系起来,并更好地利用他们的数据洞察力来推动将创意与受众结合起来的目标定位. 阅读更多独家见解,从乔·金塞拉扩大合作伙伴关系的独特好处, President of Extreme Reach, and Miles Fisher, Senior Director, Strategic Advertising Partnerships at Roku.

FAST Company: How to Compete in a Crowded FAST Landscape

随着越来越多的优质内容工作室开始认真对待FAST(免费广告支持的流媒体电视), and the number of channels continues to grow, 独立流媒体如何与有限的预算和内容竞争? Is it more than finding and focusing on a niche? 独立流媒体联盟联合创始人弗洛里斯·鲍尔来自火药公司 & 来自Crackle Connex的Sky和Tim Ware讨论了他们的个人和集体生存策略, thriving, 并在这段来自纽约流媒体的视频中使用流媒体轻松赚钱的马里昂·兰切特.

流媒体连接预览:前因素削减云流媒体OpEx与紫溪, Paramount, SVTA, A+E, and Amazon Web Services

On Wednesday, August 21, Jason Thibeault, CEO, Streaming Video Technology Alliance, will moderate the panel "Ex-Factor: Cutting Cloud Streaming OpEx.“一个专家组将讨论管理和简化云运营成本,以及实施战略和技术,使云运营尽可能具有成本效益. Confirmed panelists include Eric Bolten of Zixi, John Barber of AWS, Corey Smith of CBS Sports and Paramount Global, and Dave Klee of A+E Networks.

流媒体连接预览:广告顾问-提供流媒体广告转换, With Estrella Media, Vevo, TVREV, Initiative, and Advertiser Perceptions

On Tuesday, August 20, at Streaming Media Connect, Alan Wolk, Co-Founder/Lead Analyst, TVREV, 将主持“广告顾问:投放转化流媒体广告?," which confronts the current challenges (or, some would say, 失败)可靠地向观众提供正确的广告,并为品牌提供可衡量的结果,并讨论了创新技术和策略,以使流媒体广告发挥作用. 已确认的小组成员包括Estrella Media的Christina Chung, Vevo的Julie Triolo, C.J. Infinitive的Leonard和Advertiser Perceptions的Erin Firneno.

Are FAST Bets Paying Off for Independent Streamers?

现在,FAST(免费广告支持的流媒体电视)可以说已经走过了“抢占分销土地”的阶段,并且已经成熟,远远超出了它最初在传统内容上的优势, are independent streamers' investments in FAST proving worthwhile? Execs from Crackle, Tastemade, 和dangertv——所有独立流媒体联盟(ISA)的成员——在纽约流媒体中心与流媒体公司的Marion Ranchet讨论了克服的挑战和未来的挑战.

FAST, Data, and Tracking Diverse Audiences

考虑到传统媒体衡量公司一直未能充分代表不同的受众, 针对多元文化受众的少数族裔拥有的内容公司在追踪这些受众并利用数据将其渠道货币化方面面临着独特的挑战, as Publicis Media EVP Cultural Investment & Stephen Paez在纽约流媒体与媒体世界制图师Evan Shapiro的坦诚讨论中解释了创新.