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As thousands of broadcasters, content creators, and connectivity providers prepare to head to the 全国广播协会 几天后将在拉斯维加斯举行展览, 一场悄无声息的变革正在内容和, more specifically, content delivery. For years, NAB的口号是“Where Content Comes to Life”,“这在很大程度上是通过互联互通实现的. Without connectivity, there is no audience; with no audience, 内容的生命和目的都受到了质疑.

不仅仅是内容在进化,我们消费它的方式也在进化. According to one 2024 study, video streaming now ranks third in the list of top internet usages globally, right behind "finding information" and "keeping in touch with friends and family.“看广播电视的时间也在增加 plummeting尤其是在年轻一代中,下降了8%.2% year-on-year. In many ways, the content we choose to engage with now depends on its availability and the mode of delivery. Perhaps that's why one of the big themes at NAB in a few days is going to be connectivity.

今天的连接是基于各种各样的技术. 移动数据流量正在激增, 高分辨率视频流的推动, social media, and online gaming – not to mention the countless industry applications emerging with the rollout of 5G – and the expectation for reliable, high-speed connectivity is beginning to peak. Yet while there's an understandable buzz around cellular technologies like 6G, 这只是大局的一部分. The unsung hero in this tale is likely to be Wi-Fi and its interplay with cellular networks and data centers. Wi-Fi有可能填补蜂窝网络的空白, 提供强大的室内连接, and onboard and offload users seamlessly under the right circumstances. 对于那些着眼于下一代的企业来说, 数据密集型技术, 他们连接的速度和效率, or how fast they can move their data traffic from A to B and back again, becomes paramount. 


随着我们进入2024年及以后, the interplay between mobile networks and landline networks will become increasingly significant, 塑造我们的内容消费习惯的基础. This interaction is crucial as it determines the quality of service and user experience across various platforms, from streaming high-definition videos to engaging in real-time online gaming and facilitating efficient remote work environments. Mobile networks, 它们无处不在, 确保移动中的连接, while landline networks, often overlooked, 作为互联网基础设施的骨干, providing the stability and high-speed connections essential for the seamless delivery of content to the end user.

Wi-Fi 7的出现为这个生态系统引入了一个新的维度. 它承诺更快的速度, lower latency, and greater capacity, Wi-Fi 7 is set to enhance the way we interact with digital content at home and in the workplace. Wi-Fi 7's advancements offer tangible benefits for end users by improving the reliability and efficiency of connections within the last mile of content delivery. 以及今年晚些时候推出的5G Advanced, 这一进展是一个重大的飞跃, 确保我们的数字需求不断发展, our networks are equipped to support the next generation of internet usage and content consumption.

All the delegates at NAB know that Wi-Fi technology is going to be critical to the future of telecommunications, as is cellular, fiber, 以及卫星通讯技术. 多种网络技术的融合, 以及在旅途中同时使用多个设备, 会不会塑造内容消费的未来发展. That is the fundamental importance of the Internet for the delivery of all types of content, enhanced with software overlays to provide individually customized viewing experiences.


The evolution of content consumption towards Internet-based services over such a variety of platforms and devices has placed a focus on Internet Exchanges (IXs), which aggregate networks of all kinds in highly interconnected and efficient digital ecosystems. By facilitating direct, 网络之间的点对点连接, ix优化数据交换, 从而显著降低延迟并增强性能, 以及更有弹性的连通性. This architectural evolution is critical not only for the seamless streaming of high-definition content, 同时也支持实时性, interactive experiences demanded by modern applications such as augmented reality and online gaming. 随着内容变得越来越复杂和数据密集, the role of IXs in ensuring the quality and reliability of digital experiences will emerge as central to content delivery.

What's more, the strategic use of IXs illuminates a path towards a more interconnected and resilient digital infrastructure. 通过使不同的网络直接互连, ix使数据必须传输的距离最小化, thereby reducing potential points of failure and ensuring a smoother content delivery process. This level of interconnectivity is essential for meeting the growing expectations for instant access and interaction with digital content, 不管用户的位置. So, as we look beyond the halls of the Las Vegas Convention Center and towards the future, the expansion of internet exchanghes will undoubtedly play a central role in shaping the next generation of connectivity, setting the stage for a digital age where content delivery is as swift as it is secure.

伊沃·伊万诺夫在互联网行业有超过20年的经验. DE-CIX International前首席运营官兼首席执行官, 他领导了全球扩张的努力, 在全球建立了近40个办事处. 被公认为电信行业最具影响力的人物, Ivo的战略愿景推动DE-CIX的使命是提供中立, 全球高性能互联服务. 他也是DE-CIX/UPF全球互连学院的先驱, 旨在为互连专家制定全球标准. With a background in Law and Business, Ivo is fluent in German, English, Russian, and Bulgarian.

[编者注:这是来自 DE-CIX. Streaming Media accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

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