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2022年5月/ 6月

杂志 特性

The Three Tiers of Virtual Events

So, whether it's a quarterly meeting, an annual marketing show, or an industry event like CES or the International Auto Show, we still need in-person events. But how these events recognize and incorporate remote pre­senters and remote audiences will have to change from what was done pre-COVID. The future of events is hybrid, although these hybrid events will take different forms, depending on the event size, 预算, and nature and complexity of the off-site elements. There are what I call "Three Tiers of Hybrid," which represent three different ways to bring local and remote presenters and attendees together.

Integrating NDI Sources From Conferencing Platforms

Live-event video production during COVID has rapidly accelerated the use of NDI output from popular conferencing tools such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams, particularly for one-to-many broadcasts in which remote contributors are the norm. This article will explain how to enable NDI in Zoom and Microsoft Teams for higher-quality input sources into your live-streaming workflow.

Location, Location, Location: Cloud vs. On-Prem vs. Hybrid Streaming Workflows

Everything streaming is moving to the cloud, right? 别着急. Where you keep your content and do your work depends on your own particular circumstances. And on-prem is by no means dead.

Tutorial: Using SuperSource on the Blackmagic ATEM Mini Extreme

Blackmagic Design calls its PxP feature SuperSource and it used to only be available on their highest-end switchers, the ATEM 2 M/E Production Studio 4K, ATEM 4 M/E Broadcast Studio 4K, and ATEM Constellation 8K. While much of the workflow is the same as we will discuss here, 在本教程中, we will be discussing SuperSource on the newest and more 预算 friendly ATEM Mini Extreme and ATEM Mini Extreme ISO video switchers.


When the Levee Breaks: The Origin of On-Demand Content

Herbert Morrison's stunning narration of the Hindenburg disaster marked the first time recorded audio was ever broadcast as breaking news. The indelible words "Oh, the humanity!" remind us that it's the content—not whether it's live or on-demand—that makes the difference.

Streams of Thought

Of Subscriptions and Submarines

What do Lewis Carroll, OTT subscriptions, and submarine power cables have in common? 继续读下去!


Where Does Your Media Fit Into Web3?

Look beyond the hype and the monkeys. 非功能性测试, 区块链, and other elements of the new decentralized web—Web3—have serious implications for video creators and publishers.


Long Live (A Different) DRM!

A 区块链-based, ledger-and-wallet approach promises a digital rights management that's just as effective as anything we have now, with the benefit of being more consumer-friendly.


Rotoscope with AI Assist

Want to give your video the look of the "Take on Me" video? Here are some tools and tips that will let you create a rotoscope version.

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