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2008年2月/ 3月(资料手册)



如何选择合适的设备, 做出正确的生产决策, 建立一个可靠的网络直播计划.
星期五.4月18日,尼科·麦克莱恩(Nico McLane)




By carefully assessing your needs and comparing them against the features of these five rich media presentation systems, 你很可能会找到一个符合你要求的.
外胎., 4月15日,保罗·里斯曼德尔著


管理在线视频内容并不简单、容易或便宜. 然而,, when the use of dynamic content management systems (CMSs) for websites has trickled down within reach of every blogger, it’s frustrating to realize that the same kind of management for digital media has not necessarily made the same journey, 尤其是在教育方面.


不像地球构造板块的运动, 肉眼无法察觉的, the changes we've seen here at the 流媒体 organization have been rapid and dramatic.

大爆炸:媒体 & 娱乐年回顾

尽管更广泛的经济指标在恶化, nonadvertising-driven entertainment models remain robust and advertising-supported media are feeling the pressure of web advertising.


对于许多, 2007 marked an inflection point in the evolution of the enterprise online multimedia technology industry. As adoption of the technology for business use continued to gain ground in the past year, 越来越多的主要技术供应商, 比如思科系统, 开始在企业网络视频的未来下比以往任何时候都大的赌注.


In 2007, 我们推出了一系列新设备,从iPhone到诺基亚N95, the variety of content grew exponentially from major network shows to user-generated content, and the list of services for mobile video spanned from content providers to video creation and submission tools.


富媒体广告在2007年继续蓬勃发展, 挑战更成熟的对手,并保持自己的地位.

Streamticker 2007:合并、收购和融资的一年

2007 proved to be the year of legitimate peer-to-peer networking and high-definition streaming, but the bigger news was that the "big kids" got involved in the streaming space in a way that left some smaller companies in awe of their larger siblings.


是否使用CDN? 这是2008年学校面临的问题.

Futurewatch:媒体 & 娱乐

品牌的目的地, 观众网络, 观众货币化, 上下文出版, 高质量视频将是2008年该领域的主要趋势.


In 2008, expect to see enterprise leaders work smarter with what they have in place and deploy solutions that can be scaled up rather than down; partner with suppliers that offer the tools to enhance user experience, 获取准确的统计数据, and make their own products work better; and integrate long-term strategies and work to view their IT landscapes from all angles.


Streaming media content will provide the ideal 信息 source for voters during the 2008 presidential campaign.


In 2008, companies must begin building real value instead of just the perception of value.


2008年 流媒体行业资料手册, 上周寄来的, our writers made their annual picks of the most notable products and services released in the past year.


尽管市场混乱, simply knowing what questions to ask a CDN and knowing what your specific needs are can make the process of selecting one much easier.


在这篇综述中, Jan Ozer examines the compression capabilities for Adobe Creative Suite 3 and Apple Final Cut Studio 2, 然后回顾主要的多格式批量压缩工具Grass Valley ProCoder, 索伦森挤压, 和Telestream Episode Pro, 所有这些都强调输出质量.


The desktop publishing revolution resulted in some amazingly beautiful design ideas being tried out for the first time. 同样的事情也发生在视频行业. The general public is enthusiastic about producing video now that they can afford the tools, and the best way to learn is to experiment with your ideas and show them to people.


毫无疑问,这是2007年网络视频领域最大的新闻, the Silverlight/Flash battle is one that finds both Microsoft and Adobe significantly shifting their fundamental approaches, 尽管在这两种情况下, 历史上有先例.


With potential to upend the economics around and ultimately enable high-quality video delivery, P2P持有这样的承诺,如果你还没有一个P2P策略, 请放心,你的竞争对手会这么做.


现在, 多亏了外包, you don't have to have any specific skills or knowledge relating to software development, 内容制作, 货币化, or even streaming media to build a streaming media business; you only need to come up with a clever name for your company.



Producing video content for wireless networks can be as complicated as delivering it successfully. 使视频工作有效, 我们需要对生产过程有新的认识, 由无线传输通道的现实驱动.


RocketBoom和 1/4 正在改变规则.


Akamai的案例研究, Hulu, 更多的人揭示了提供高清在线视频的不同方法.


本文的目的是定义每种媒介的好处, 消除错误信息, 并帮助你决定哪个适合你的组织.


In the online world, just as in the offline world, money talks and success silences criticism. 只要能继续赚钱,好的电视节目不可能低俗到极致.in the online world, just as in the offline world, money talks and success silences criticism. 只要能继续赚钱,好的电视节目不可能低俗到极致.


2006年底, MRM Worldwide began working with Insidedge to improve the level and quality of internal communications with its worldwide offices and employees. Since MRM Worldwide didn't have the internal resources to plan and produce the webcast, the MRM and Insidedge team sought a vendor that could provide an end-to-end solution for the companywide meeting. 他们选择了On24.


去年, when Microsoft prepared to launch Xbox LIVE Video Marketplace to deliver high-quality SD and HD content to Xbox 360 owners, 公司转向了一个值得信赖的合作伙伴, SyncCast, 建立一个安全的, 集中视频托管交付平台.


对于NEC Unified来说,视频网络广播照亮了通往未来的道路.


通过加速88%的页面加载时间, Edgecast's CDN helps world film site Jaman keep its bounce rate down and its return visit numbers up.
我的., 3月17日,Nancy Davis Kho


需要对新闻和事件进行全天候直播, as well as provide a suitable platform to allow citizens to easily access TVW's vast programming library, 该公司认为Flash是实现其目标的最佳技术.


NetStreamLive recently unveiled its first Mobile Broadband vehicle: The modified 4WD Ford Excursion. 该车辆在战场上提供安全的卫星网络通信, enabling NetStreamLive to offer webcasting productions from remote locations with no dependency on the location's existing bandwidth or connectivity.


借助Abacast的混合P2P流媒体技术, FutureStream Networks is now delivering high-quality video and audio for the third-largest South Korean broadcasting company.



Our goal in the streaming industry should be for video to be just another business and communication tool, 像传真机一样. 流媒体还没有出现, but the 4EVER Group's video clips remind us that the tools of our trade have become both ubiquitous and simple enough that people are able to use them while still focusing on the tools of their trades.

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