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Crafting Compelling Brand Narratives: Harnessing Events and Trends in Online Video Content

在拥挤的数字内容领域, it can take time to capture and retain the audience's attention. 品牌被鼓励不断地喂养算法野兽,并产生最新的和相关的内容. 在在线视频中, 这是一个绝佳的机会:利用当前事件和热门话题,用视频内容制作引人注目的叙事.

在拥挤的数字内容领域, it can take time to capture and retain the audience's attention. 品牌被鼓励不断地喂养算法野兽,并产生最新的和相关的内容. 在在线视频中, 这是一个绝佳的机会:利用当前事件和热门话题,用视频内容制作引人注目的叙事.

Events and trends serve as communication hubs for many industries, 为品牌提供对话,分享他们的故事. Whether it's a global phenomenon like the Olympics or a viral social media challenge, these moments offer a unique opportunity for brands to insert themselves into the conversation.

But how can brands navigate this landscape authentically and effectively?

首先也是最重要的, 在真正理解用户的兴趣和价值观的基础上进行内容创作是至关重要的. 在一个充斥着广告的世界里,许多消费者被那些表达真实性和相关性的品牌所吸引. The most important takeaway is to ensure that the content complements your brand. No matter the topic, genre, or creative direction, the video must speak to a target audience. Otherwise, the message can confuse your audience and dilute your brand.

By tapping into trending topics that resonate with their target demographic, 品牌可以与受众建立真正的联系. 利用事件和趋势可以让品牌在他们的信息中注入及时性和紧迫感. 无论是与季节性事件相关的限时优惠,还是对突发新闻的实时回应, 这些策略可以创造一种即时性,迫使消费者与内容互动.

然而, brands must tread carefully and avoid coming across as opportunistic or tone-deaf. 在社交媒体监督的时代,失误可能会迅速升级为公关噩梦. 因此, 品牌必须以敏感和尊重的态度处理当前事件和热门话题, 在加入谈话之前,花点时间了解谈话的细微差别.

此外, 品牌应该努力为对话增加价值,而不是简单地依靠流行话题来获得知名度. 是否提供有用的信息, 引发有意义的对话, 或者提供一个独特的视角, 品牌可以将自己定位为各自行业的思想领袖和值得信赖的信息来源. 下面是一些例子,可以激发一些关于如何使这种策略为你的品牌工作的想法.

利用X (Twitter)或线程

One of the easiest ways to spot trending topics is to visit the X and Threads homepages.

两个平台之间的活跃用户超过4亿, X和Threads提供了全球热门话题列表. These topics can change daily and often correspond directly with news-related events.

Marketers can use any relatable topics and leverage them for their videos. 使用主题标签是一个强大的方式来吸引更多的眼球到你的视频和利用嗡嗡声.

芝麻街YouTube频道在他们的在线视频中提供了几个很好的热门话题例子. 《百家乐app下载》利用其他热门电视节目为自己的YouTube频道制作内容. One example is when they published this homage to Friends with their 父亲节版 拙劣的模仿.


而这个节目的主要观众是儿童, 他们意识到父母经常和孩子一起看电视. 通过播放为成年人制作的热门节目, 《百家乐app下载》知道父母和年轻观众会像他们的孩子一样喜欢同样的内容. 

这段短暂的视频获得了超过50万的点击量, 但更令人印象深刻的是, 它有成千上万的赞和很强的参与度.


假期经常贯穿全年. Rather than overlooking these days, marketers can use them as topics for their videos. 下面的例子来自 Mashable and 迪斯尼 用一种重要的方式来证明这一点.

Mashable制作了这段视频,并在地球日发布. It's a clever marketing strategy, as people socialize about holidays in everyday conversations.

迪斯尼 also used the Earth Day hashtag in their video caption to help reach that audience. The video was produced with a holiday topic that showcased both brand's sustainability efforts. 想想假期对你所在的行业有什么意义.


技术不断发展,许多人喜欢跟上技术的进步. We are a tech-driven society with smartphones, Wi-Fi everywhere, and mobile devices. 知道了这一点, 在视频中关注技术驱动的主题可以很容易地在许多行业中实现.  

One of the latest trends in tech and everywhere is AI (Artificial Intelligence). 在本文发布时,下面的一些先驱者开始制作与人工智能相关的视频.

这些出版商正在收获回报, knowing that AI is a popular topic discussed across several platforms. 他们是在竞争中抢占先机,获得对这个话题感兴趣的观众.  

There are other ways to utilize tech topics for your video content. Does your company have industry experts who can offer value or opinions on the subjects? Online audiences love to hear from legitimate experts who can provide reviews, 奖状, and other information to help them along the buying process and content journey. This research holds especially true when deciding to buy technology items. 

这是一个来自著名youtube用户《百家乐软件》的例子, who used FPV (First person-view) drones as the topic for a recent YouTube视频.

而来自地球的人并没有直接销售无人机, he does use them and can offer expert knowledge on this subject matter. 知道无人机是新闻中的热门话题, this subject matter was a perfect example of how to use a tech-driven topic for a video.


Another recurring topic and event is the release of music videos. Musicians are releasing new videos all of the time and if you have an agile marketing team, 你可以模仿他们. 记住,每个视频和活动都有一个目标, 你不应该仅仅为了搞笑而模仿别人.

The video marketing team at What's Up Moms understands this concept. 虽然他们已经发表了一些音乐模仿, they're careful that the genre and tone always complement their brand. 

他们是众多视频出版商之一 模仿泰勒·斯威夫特的《百家乐软件app最新版下载》.

然而, 他们将模仿与Pinterest联系在一起, 一个他们的品牌和主要受众积极使用的平台. 而任何人都可以观看视频并大笑, 当他们的目标用户体验到跨平台的病毒式传播内容时,他们便获得了最大的胜利.  

如果音乐恶搞适合你的策略, 看看这个页面 在YouTube上,它解释了合理使用准则.


使用事件和主题来推动你的在线视频创作并不意味着你必须像使用社交媒体上的趋势那样大规模. 考虑一下与你的市场有关的当地活动或利基行业贸易展. 确定你的目标受众并知道他们在哪里可以帮助你的活动取得成功.

It’s important to realize that some of these examples may not work for your brand, 但是要有创意,用新鲜的方向来处理你的视频,可以为你的内容增加一些多样性. These ideas are also excellent for creators establishing publishing calendars, 因为他们知道什么时候节假日和事件会提前发生.

将事件和趋势整合到在线视频内容中需要一种灵活和自适应的方法. 随着数字媒体不断发展的本质, brands must stay attuned and be prepared to pivot their strategies accordingly.

在数字时代,利用事件和热门话题为品牌提供了讲故事和吸引受众的强大工具. 通过让他们的信息与当下的脉搏保持一致,并以真实性和相关性来接近内容创作, 品牌可以与受众建立更深层次的联系,并在拥挤的网络环境中开拓出有意义的存在.

In a world where digital landscapes are overflowing with content, carving out your niche in the online video ecosystem can seem like navigating a maze. As someone deeply invested in creating purposeful and original content, 我开始欣赏制作小众在线视频的艺术. 让我们通过探索使您与众不同并与您的受众建立真正联系的最佳实践来深入研究这个主题.
掌握知识, Like, Vimeo上品牌视频的信任模式需要一种优先考虑真实性的战略方法, 订婚, 和信誉. 遵循这些关键策略, 你可以制作引人注目的视频来吸引注意力, 培养观众联系, 用你的品牌建立信任.
Vimeo为希望将激情转化为利润的创作者提供了大量的货币化机会. From direct sales and subscriptions to advertising and supplementary revenue streams, Vimeo提供基础设施和工具,使创作者能够根据自己的条件建立可持续的视频商业模式.
到目前为止,大多数营销人员都明白在线视频对成功内容策略的重要性. Yet, many brands creating online videos may not see the results they expected. 那么你如何解决你的下一个活动? Here are the five most common issues our agency sees working with video publishers.
视频观众花费大量时间观看在线视频,并且在转换过程的每个环节都渴望更多的内容. Here are three ways to target specific audiences by creating niche content.
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