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Tutorial: Blackmagic URSA Broadcast and URSA Mini Pro 4.6K

在本教程中,我将看看两个新的相机从Blackmagic设计:URSA广播, a 4K camera; and the URSA Mini Pro 4.6K, which is an update to the previous URSA Mini 4.6K.

在本教程中,我将看看两个新的相机从Blackmagic设计:URSA广播, a 4K camera (Figure 1, below); and the URSA Mini Pro 4.6K, which is an update to the previous URSA Mini 4.6K (Figure 2, below Figure 1). 这些相机非常相似,但有几个关键的区别, 我想向你们展示两种方法,然后指出它们的区别,这样你们就能知道哪一种最适合你的工作.

Figure 1. Blackmagic URSA Broadcast

Figure 2. Blackmagic URSA Mini 4.6K

URSA Mini Pro 4.6K

Let's start by looking at the URSA Mini Pro 4.6K. 你会注意到的第一件事是这两个相机是多么的相似, in fact, without accessories, the bodies themselves would be identical in appearance. The URSA Mini Pro comes with an EF mount by default, which holds Canon lenses, 但如果你需要的话,你也可以选择其他几个镜头卡口. It’s designed to be a cinema-style camera, 所以它没有很多典型摄像机的功能, 因为它希望你做第二系统音频之类的事情, for example. It does have a built-in mic on top, 但大多数专业人士使用相机麦克风主要是为了稍后与应用程序同步其他音频, something like PluralEyes.

在前面,当然,是镜头支架,如果你把镜头拿下来,你可以看到里面的4.6K sensor that's behind it. 其中一个最显著的变化在相机的前面超过上一代的URSA迷你是增加了旋转轮显示在 Figure 3 (below). 它是一个物理ND过滤器,有四个阶段,编号为1,2,3和4. (Actually, the 1 setting is no ND filter, 所以把它记为0,把其他的记为1可能更有意义,2, and 3. The dial goes all the way around, so if you get to 4--the darkest ND setting--and keep going, it goes all the way back to no ND at all.

Figure 3. The ND filter dial goes from 1 (no ND filter) to 4. Click the image to see it at full size.

On the right side of the camera (Figure 4, below), there’s an SDI out and there's a 12v out. The SDI out is typically going to be used for the viewfinder, like we have on the Broadcast, and the 12v also would provide the power for that viewfinder. Below that, 镜头有一个LANC控制器有那个选项,这里有一个单独的镜头控制器. 这个内置的玫瑰花结是为所有相机自带的控制手柄设计的.

Figure 4. SDI输出,12v输出和LANC控制器在URSA Mini Pro的右侧. Click the image to see it at full size.

On the back side (Figure 5, below), we have SDI out, which is a 12G-SDI, SDI in, reference or timecode in, and then a 12v 4-pin adapter here as well. In Figure 5, 你会看到我稍微修改了一下我的版本,在上面放了一些魔术贴, because I was using an atypical power source for this, but typically this would be a VLock battery mount. 发货给我的Pro背面有一个SSD记录仪,背面有VLock电池底座. 我把它拿掉了,这样我就可以直接把电池放在背面了. Normally there's a cover plate that would cover that opening, 但这是你与相机背面的其他配件连接的地方.

Figure 5. Back of the URSA Mini Pro. Click the image to see it at full size.

On the left side of the camera (Figure 6, below)是你的大部分控制,因为大多数操作员站在相机的左侧. 与上一代相比,Blackmagic在这一代URSA Mini上所做的另一个主要变化是在LCD屏幕之外增加了许多控件.

Figure 6. Controls on the left side of the camera. Click the image to see it at full size.

The LCD screen that flips out on the left side (Figure 7, below)在它的后面或上面有很多控制,通过菜单系统,你将不得不访问只是一些基本的操作相机, 但他们在此基础上进行了改进,增加了许多实体表盘,并在外部增加了一个显示屏,现在可以向你展示许多常见的功能. So we have two physical wheels to control audio volume. There are some basic functions here, which will all show on the screen including your timecode, 无论是持续运行的时间码还是只在录制时才开始的时间码.

Figure 7. Controls behind the LCD screen. Click the image to see it at full size.

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