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Tutorial: How to Edit in Final Cut Pro X’s Magnetic Timeline

磁性时间轴是Apple Final Cut Pro X的主要革命性变化之一, 这是编辑们从基于轨道的NLEs来的时候所遇到的困难之一. 在本教程中,我们将分解它并向您展示如何使其为您工作.

在本教程中,我们将学习如何在Final Cut Pro的新磁性时间轴中编辑. 在设计FCP X时,苹果完全重新构想了编辑时间轴的概念和布局. They’ve opted for what’s essentially a trackless timeline. 在时间线的中心有一条深灰色的条带,被认为是主要的故事情节, and a lighter gray area above and below where you can connect clips. 这个概念很简单:你可以利用主要故事情节的方法来形成故事的基础, 然后你通过上面或下面的连接片段添加辅助镜头——剪切, b - roll, 和音乐. 

这种新的时间轴行为是Final Cut Pro X的主要革命性变化之一, 所以这并不是巧合,这也是人们刚开始学习的时候最头疼的地方之一, 特别是当它们来自Final Cut Pro 7和Adobe Premiere Pro等基于轨道的NLEs时. At first it can be difficult to acclimate to the new timeline format (下面的图1), so I’m going to break it down and try to make it easier to understand, and hopefully soften the learning curve. 现在我已经习惯了在我所做的所有商业和事件编辑中使用新的时间轴样式 Cord3Films, I don’t want to go back to the old style. 一旦你有机会学习它,我想你也会有同样的感觉. 让我们开始吧.

Apple Final Cut Pro X
图1. The magnetic timeline with the Primary Storyline highlighted. Supporting and connecting clips and other media go above and below. 

Getting Footage to the Primary Storyline

首先,我们必须学习如何把镜头降到时间轴开始编辑. There are four major types of edits: the Append edit, 连接编辑, 插入编辑, 和覆盖编辑. 苹果在这方面做得很好,因为它们都是左击键(下面的图2).

Apple Final Cut Pro X

图2. Keyboard shortcuts for the 4 types of edits

First, we’re going to talk about the Append edit. To begin, we’ll make a small selection from a clip in the Event Library. Then press the E key for the Append edit, and FCP X will drop the selection down to the timeline (图3, 下图). As we make another selection, and hit E again to append it again, you’ll see it goes right to the end of that. 

Apple Final Cut Pro X
图3. 进行追加编辑

从本质上讲,Append将剪辑移动到主故事线时间线的最后. So, as you continue to make clip selections, 然后再次按下E键, FCP X will drop the clips at the end of the timeline. 在这个例子中, we’ll line up 3 clips using this approach, with each one appearing immediately to the right of the last. 

The next type of edit we’ll use is an Insert edit. 当您想要在时间轴上已经存在的两个剪辑之间插入一个剪辑时,可以使用插入编辑. You don’t want it to overwrite any of the footage; you just want to insert and push everything downstream to make room for it. To perform an Insert edit, select portion of a clip from the Event Library, move the cursor in between these two edit points, and press the W key to insert the clip, 如图所示 图4(下面).

Apple Final Cut Pro X
图4. Performing an Insert edit--before (top) and after (bottom)

Think of it like this: An insert is a wedge; you’re wedging the clip in. That’s how I remember as W for insert edit. It inserts a clip in between two adjacent clips, pushes everything downstream, and makes the edit longer.

The next edit is the Overwrite edit. For that one you press the D key on your keyboard. I think of it like this: The overwrite is going to overwrite, 或删除, any footage that it drops on top of; it’s destructive, so D on your keyboard for overwrite.

To perform an Overwrite edit, 在事件库中选择一个片段或片段的一部分,然后按D键, 和FCP X下降剪辑的权利,无论在什么时间轴上,你放下它, 然后重写它.

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