
客户端与. Server-Side Ad Insertion: Which is Winning in 2024 and Why

Client-side or server-side? Ask five streaming ad tech experts, and you’ll get six opinions. In this clip from 纽约流媒体, 流媒体’s Nadine Krefetz 询问Roku、派拉蒙、成为JWP、Akamai和不定式的高管,他们更喜欢哪一种,以及为什么.

Krefetz asks Charles Goodman, Head of Roku广告交易所, about his take on the client-side versus server-side debate.

“I think both have really good utility,” Goodman says. “I generally also lean more towards server-side. I think it's a much better streaming environment, 但我认为这就是人们做客户端互动广告的原因. But it's really kind of up to the publisher.” He mentions that Roku does a combination of both.

Krefetz asks Peter Chave, Principal Architect, Akamai技术, to define server-side ad insertion.

“短暂的, what it means is the stream being delivered to the user, 有一个主流,然后我们要插入广告,就好像它是主要内容的一部分,查韦斯说。. “所以对于玩家来说,他们不应该在视频中看到任何不同. So, 比如线性通道, you'd see on TV where there are ads mixed in the middle, but as far as the TV's concerned, it has no idea what the ad or the content was.”

Regarding client-side ad insertion, David LaPalomento, CTO, 成为JWP, says that it requires more engineering work and testing, but offers more flexibility and can be less expensive. “JW Player在网络上的一大吸引力在于,它具有深厚的客户端广告插入能力,他说. “而且有一些很好的理由,比如服务器广告插入的制作成本更高. 如果你在设备上多做一点工作而不是在服务器上,那就很棒了. 如果你能在客户端做而不是服务器端,你还能获得更大的灵活性因为你在客户端写了一大堆代码来做一些有趣的事情, 就像拍卖, 填写AD库存, 诸如此类的事情.”

”,但本质上, if you are writing code on the client side, you have to have the engineers to write that code,克雷费兹指出.

LaPalomento反驳道:“或者你可以从网上找一个图书馆。. 谷歌推出了 IMA SDK,它是一个客户端库,用于客户端广告插入,并为您处理大部分内容.”

Krefetz说,即便如此,这仍然不是一种完全放手的体验. “You’ve got to have somebody doing something,” she says.

“What’s trickier is the server-side,” LaPalomento says. “广告插入也很少不受客户端的干涉,尤其是当它变得越来越复杂的时候. And I actually prefer server-side ad insertion too, just to be clear. 但我们前进的方向是,它们实际上是无法区分的. 这是我的预测.”

Chave说, ”客户端, 您最终必须进行大量测试,因为每当您更改客户端的代码时, and if you've got one generation of devices, 这是一个问题. 如果你有十代设备,那问题就大了一百倍.”

拉帕洛门托说:“在服务器端,你最终得到的是无法工作的设备. “所以,不是能够修改客户端,能够做出改变, instead you've got dead playback and no video.”

Jarred Wilichinsky, SVP Global Digital Ad Operations, 派拉蒙, highlights the further difficulties and complexities of client-side, especially for 派拉蒙 in particular. “[With] 派拉蒙, with just the 冥王星 application, there’s probably 25 different clients. With server-side ad insertion, 您不需要做太多繁重的工作和流操作. The core of ad tech decisioning is server-side.”

C.J. Leonard, Director, Ad Operations & 技术, 不定式,讨论了设备兼容性的挑战,特别是对于那些不是工程师的人. “当我在 当地现在在美国,我想我曾经拥有过市场上所有的设备,”她说. “我们正在重新发布应用程序,当时它们是客户端. I, as the Director of Ops, was sitting there tethering to Vizio 把我的Roku设备拴在一起,打电话给别人,说,‘嘿,我不是工程师.’ So when you start getting to a certain point, it's server-side.”

Roku的Goodman认为最好有一个通用的广告插入框架. “We're on a bunch of different devices, too,他说. “You can watch the Roku channel on Fire TV. But really, I care about the user. A lot of the client-side work, 你会得到一个广告, and there's only so much that you can inspect ahead of time. 你不是在转码. 所以有时候就像你试着玩和祈祷,希望它能起作用. And on the server-side it's different. 有代码转换. I don't know if anybody's ever watched an app on their iPad, 突然之间, the ad comes on and blows you out of the room. Audio normalization is really hard. 能够转码是很好的,确保它是稳定的.”

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